Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge

Scale Only


The Scale Only screen is a scale testing/calibration utility that can be accessed if the operator hits the ‘Launch Scale Only’ button under the ‘Station Set Up’ tab of Terminal.


This page will cover the basics of how this screen works.

Table of Contents

Screen Overview

Having hit the ‘Launch Scale Only’ button as described above, the operator will first see the following screen where they will be asked to provide a reason why they are accessing scale only mode:


Once the operator has entered a reason here, they will then be taken to the scale calibration screen, as shown below:


The operator can then proceed to test and calibrate their scale as required.

Button Help


Creates a tare for the current reading on the scale, after which the needle will return to zero. This tare value will remain active until the tare is cancelled.

Cancel Tare

Cancels any currently active tare settings on the scale, returning the needle to zero.

Preset Tare

Allows key entry for a preset tare for the scale. This will apply as a negative value to the current scale reading.


Zeroes the scale, but does not clear active tare values. If tares are active then ‘zeroing’ the scale will result in a negative weight value. This will only zero if this is permitted by scale and is within acceptable zeroing limits.


Allows a label to be printed if required. This could contain information related to the weights and tares of the current calibration session. This requires a custom label to be set up. Contact SG Support for more information on setting this up.


Why can’t I access this screen?

When trying to access scale only mode you may see this screen:


This means that you do not have sufficient user privileges to access this feature. If you believe it would be beneficial for you to be able to access this feature contact your line supervisor.

Why isn’t my scale working?

There are a few things you can check here:

  • Have you selected the correct scale?
  • Is the scale powered on?
  • Is the scale connected to the Terminal station or, if networked, the local network?

If your answer is a yes to all of these then it could be a configuration error. Contact your line supervisor if this is the case and they will be able to either help themselves or contact SG support to help set correct the issue.

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