Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Inventory Log’ section of the V5 Control Center allows users to track the movement of commodities/products throughout the warehouse.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Inventory Log’ section can be found under the ‘Reporting’ header in Control Center.

This section is made up of 3 panels:

  • Top left (yellow) panel: Shows a list of all commodities and formulas that the user can view stock history of.
  • Top right (red) panel: Will show all (depending on the filters set in the top of this window) lots of the commodity selected in the top left panel
  • Bottom (blue) panel: Shows the movements/system events for the lot selected in the top right panel.

Column Help – Top Left Panel

All fields here are populated from ‘Commodities’ and as such can’t be edited here.

Commodity Code

The unique code for the commodity or formula.


Description of the commodity or formula.


The type of commodity (Ingredient/Packaging/Formula).


The default Unit of Measure of the commodity or formula.

Bulk Units

The bulk unit (if applicable) of the commodity or formula.

Bulk Qty

The weight (in default UoM) of this bulk unit.

Column Help – Top Right Panel


The lot number assigned when the item was stocked in/produced.

Supplier Lot No

The lot number assigned by the supplier (if applicable).


The License Plate Number of the pallet holding the commodity/formula (if palletized).


The supplier code indicating who supplied the commodity.

Supplier Name

The name of the supplier who supplied the commodity.


Date and timestamp of when the commodity was received.


The expiry date of the commodity/formula.


The stock location of the commodity/formula.

Location Code

The location code of where the commodity/formula is stored.

On Hand

The on-hand quantity of the lot of the commodity/formula.

Column Help – Bottom Panel


The production location of the Terminal that performed the action of the lot selected in the top right panel.


Provides context and describes the action that was performed on the commodity/formula. This could be:

  • QA actions:
    • Goods In – Items were received at the receiving dock.
    • Stock In – QA Event log for a Goods In event.
    • Handling – QA event for a handling type
    • PO Start – An event/question at the start of a purchase order.
    • PO Complete – An event/question at the end of a purchase order that completes the order.
    • Withdraw – The lot has had this quantity removed from stock (again a reason is usually provided for this).
    • Adjustment – The lot quantity was adjusted (usually tied to a reason having to be supplied).
  • Batch actions:
    • Consumed – The commodity was consumed in a formula step.
    • Produced – Usually referring to formulas, the formula was created.
    • Expiry Changed – The expiry date of the lot was changed.
    • Moved Out – The stock lot and quantity has been moved out of this location (usually refers to transfers)
    • Moved In – The stock lot and quantity has been moved in to this location.


Displays either the batch number that the commodity was used in, or the sales order number of the order the formula was sold as a part of.


Refers either to the quantity tied to the transaction (so in the screenshot above we can see weights associated with ‘STOCK IN’, ‘WASTE’ etc.), or an answer to the question in the question field below.


The user/operator who performed this transaction.


Date and timestamp of when this action was performed.


The reason (if applicable) for the action in ‘Description’.


The question (if applicable) displayed to the operator for this action.

Formula Code

The formula code that the commodity was consumed in order to make.

Formula Desc

The description of the formula that the commodity was consumed in order to make.

Formula Type

The type of formula this is (batch or product).

Formula UOM

The default Unit of Measure of the formula.


The customer this commodity/formula was sold to.

Stock Location

The stock location of the commodity (if an inventory transaction).

Lot Container

The specific lot container of the lot used.


The name of the Terminal that performed the action.

Customer Lot

The customer lot number assigned if this commodity/formula was sold.

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