Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Batch Log’ section of the V5 Control Center allows users to view the results of batching across all the various formulas produced within the system. This makes it easy to see which operators were involved and can show in depth information on the formula steps used for each batch of any formula produced.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Batch Log’ section can be found under the ‘Reporting’ header in Control Center.

This section is made up of 3 panels:

  • Top Left (yellow) panel: Provides a list of formulas that have been produced within the system.
  • Top Right (red) panel: With a formula selected in the top left panel, this panel will show all batches that have been produced.
  • Bottom (blue) panel: With a batch of a formula selected in the top panels, this panel will show the formula steps that were involved in the production.

Column Help – Top Left Panel

All information in this panel is populated from ‘Formulas’.

Commodity Code

‘The Formula Code’ of the formula.


The description/name of the formula.


Whether this formula is a Product or a Batch.  ‘Batch’ (default) is used for recipe formulations and ‘Product’ is used for the creation of finished products.


The default unit of measure for the formula.

Bulk Unit

The unit that the commodity is consumed in when undertaking bulk production e.g. bags.

Bulk Quantity

The weight of the bulk unit of the commodity.

Column Help – Top Right Panel


The number assigned to the batch when it was produced.


The job number, assigned when the job was created.


Live status of the batch. This could be:

  • Pending – Not active yet, this status is given when jobs are ‘created’ in the right panel.
  • Scheduled – The job is active and will be visible to relevant Terminals. This status is given when jobs are ‘scheduled’ in the right panel.
  • Hold – The job is on hold/suspended.
  • Testing – Similar to hold, this indicates the job is suspended for testing.
  • Complete – The job is complete.


The number of products scheduled for production.

Started On

The date when the batch was started.


The version number of the formula used to produce that batch.


The total cost of the batch, taking into account commodity costs.


The time takes to complete the batch.

Completed On

Date and timestamp for when the batch was completed.

Produced Qty

The final quantity of the formula produced.

Column Help – Bottom Panel

Commodity Code

The code of the commodity consumed in the formula step.

Commodity Description

The description of the commodity consumed in the formula step.

Lot Number

The lot number of the commodity used in that step.

Location Code

The location code indicating where the commodity was stored prior to batching.


Location name of where the commodity was stored prior to batching.


The result of the formula step. This could be:

  • Hazards Acknowledged – The presented hazard message was understood by the operator.
  • Allergens Acknowledged – The presented allergen message was understood by the operator.
  • Consumed – The commodity was consumed at this step.
  • Produced – The final product/batch was produced.
  • Batch Aborted – The batch was aborted at this step.
  • Batch Suspended – The batch was suspended at this step.
  • Auto-Zero – The stock has been reduced by this value
  • Waste – This stock lot has had this quantity withdrawn from the system as waste.
  • QA: Product Start – A QA steps at the start of the product production.
  • QA: Product End – A QA step at the end of the product production.
  • QA: Batch Start – A QA steps at the start of the batch production.
  • QA: Batch End – A QA step at the end of the batch production.


The Batch number of the produced formula.


The weight of the commodity weighed by the Terminal operator.


The user/operator who processed that formula step.


Date and timestamp of when this formula step took place.

Step Type

The type of formula step. Click here for more information.


The question displayed to the operator at this step (if applicable).


The answer the operator provided to the question above (if applicable).

Target Qty

The target quantity of the commodity for that formula step.


The reason for any allergen/hazard warning given to the operator.

Supplier Lot

The supplier lot number for the commodity used for this step.

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