Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Purchase Orders’ section of the V5 Control Center allows for the creation and scheduling of purchase orders from established suppliers. These can then be received in the WMS software.

This page provides a guide and column definitions for the ‘Purchase Order’ window in Control Center. More information on purchase order setup can be found in our ‘Purchase Order’ module guide here.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Purchase Order’ section can be found under the ‘Ordering’ header in Control Center.

CC Overview

This section is made up of 3 panels:

  • Top (yellow) panel: Where purchase orders can be created and scheduled.
  • Bottom Left (red) panel: Allows commodities to be added to the purchase order selected in the top panel. These can be assigned to the supplier in order to speed up commodity filtering for specific suppliers. If no commodities/products are assigned to the supplier here then any commodity/product can be selected.
  • Bottom Left Right (blue) panel: If received (or partially received) we will see a list of containers where the purchased commodities are stored. Items can also be manually returned here by right-clicking them and selecting ‘Return Item’.

For additional button functionality help, click here.

Column Help – Top Panel

PO Number

Purchase order number. The format of this can be set in app settings (please contact SG Support for help setting this up), but can also be edited here if required.

Supplier Code

Suppliers can be selected here from the drop-down menu, or manually searched for. Suppliers can be set up here.

Supplier Name

Populated once a supplier code is selected, the system will pull the supplier’s name from ‘Suppliers’.

Delivery Date

A drop down calendar to indicate when the order should be delivered to site.

Order Reference

Freetext entry to allow for an order reference number to be entered once one is obtained from the supplier.


The status of the PO. These are:

  • Created – The default status when the order is first created.
  • Pending – Orders can be scheduled by right clicking them and hitting ‘Schedule’. Once this is done, the order will be scheduled in WMS and the status will be ‘Pending’.
  • Begin Process – Indicates that the order is being received, but is not yet complete.
  • Awaiting Verification – The order has been completed but requires Supervisor verification.
  • Received – The order is fully received and completed.


Freetext entry for any additional notes that need to be entered against this order (specific instructions for receiving etc.)

Created By

Freetext entry for any additional notes that need to be entered against this order (specific instructions for receiving etc.)

Date Placed

Freetext entry for any additional notes that need to be entered against this order (specific instructions for receiving etc.)

Payment Terms

The agreed upon payment terms with the supplier.

Shipping Terms

The agreed upon shipping terms with the supplier. Both shipping and payment terms are set up in ‘Order Info’.

Supplier Address

If a supplier is set up with multiple addresses, we can use the drop-down menu here to select which address/branch/depot etc. we will receive the order from.


Which site in the user’s facility the order will be delivered to.


The trailer number recorded when the order was received in WMS. This will be populated once the order is complete.

Seal No

As above, this information can be recorded during the WMS receiving process.

Column Help – Bottom Left Panel

Commodity Code

The code of the commodity to be ordered. This can be selected from a drop-down menu or manually typed in.

Formula Code 

The description of the commodity, populated from ‘Commodities’ once a commodity code is selected.


The quantity (weight) of the commodity to be ordered.


The cost (per unit) of the commodity to be ordered. This is populated from the default cost in ‘Commodities’, but can be edited here if required.


Displays the purchasing notes from ‘Commodities’.

Expected Delivery

An expected delivery date can be selected from the drop-down calendar here. Can be changed from the ‘Delivery Date’ above if the order is expedited or delayed.

Supplier Part #

The supplier’s code for the selected commodity. Can be entered in ‘Suppliers’.


Freetext reference field for the order line.

Column Help – Bottom Right Panel


The commodity code of the contents of the received lot.


The commodity description of the contents of the received lot. Populated from ‘Commodities’ once a commodity code is selected.

Lot #

The lot number of the received commodity. This is generated in WMS.


The weight of the commodity in that lot.


The Unit of Measurement of the received commodity. (Set in ‘Commodities’)


Logs the name of the user/operator who received that particular lot.


Logs the name of the user/operator who received that particular lot.


The cost (per unit) of the received commodity.

Supplier Lot

The lot number assigned by the supplier for the received commodity. This can be entered against the lot when receiving.


The License Plate Number of the pallet that the lot has been stored on (if set to be palletized in ‘Commodities’ link).

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