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Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Cycle Counting’ section of the V5 Control Center allows users to create scheduled cycle counts, or stock takes, for selected commodities. These are then processed using the WMS software.

This page provides a guide and column definitions for the ‘Cycle Counting’ window in Control Center. More information on scheduling and running cycle counts can be found in our ‘Cycle Counting’ module guide here.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Cycle Counting’ section can be found under the ‘Inventory’ header in Control Center.

This section is made up of 2 panels:

  • Left (yellow) panel: Displays a list of Cycle Counting runs that have been scheduled.
  • Right (red) panel: Shows a list of available commodities that can be scheduled for Cycle Counting runs. Scheduling is performed in the bottom right (blue) area, where specific dates for runs of Cycle Counting can be selected from the drop-down calendar menu.

Column Help – Left Panel


The Cycle Counting run number. This is automatically assigned by the system when commodities are added to the schedule in the right panel. Cannot be edited.

Commodity Code

The commodity code of the commodity selected for counting.

Commodity Description

The description of the commodity selected for counting. Both this, and the commodity code above, are populated from ‘Commodities’ and cannot be edited here.


The scheduled date for the Cycle Counting run. This can be changed by selecting a new date from the column’s drop-down calendar.


The current status of the run. There are 3 statuses:

  • Pending – The run has been scheduled.
  • Started – The run is in progress.
  • Complete – The counting run is complete.


The counting mode. There are 3 modes:

  • Manual – Indicates that the selected run was created manually via Control Center.
  • Automatic – Indicates that the selected run was created using ‘Automatic Mode’ in terminal, whereby a commodity is selected for Cycle Counting based on a number of factors, including:
          • When the commodity was last counted.
          • Quantity used in the last 7 days.
          • Stock levels/value.
  • Frequency – Indicates that the selected run was originally manually scheduled, but then is being automatically scheduled again via the ‘Frequency (Days)’ parameter.

Frequency (Days)

How often counting runs on this commodity should be repeated. Once the next scheduled cycle count occurs, a new run will be automatically scheduled for that commodity.

Column Help – Right Panel

All of the below fields are populated from elsewhere in the system and are for informational purposes only.

Commodity Code

The code of the commodity.


The description of the commodity.


The type of commodity (Formula, Ingredient, or Packaging).

Last Counted

The type of commodity, Formula, Ingredient, or Packaging.

Quantity Used (7) Days

The total weight of the commodity consumed in the last 7 days.


The default Unit of Measure for the commodity.

Total Value

The total value of the on-hand stock.

Warning Level Diff

How much of the commodity needs to be consumed for stock levels to trigger a warning on reports. This warning level can be set in ‘Commodities’.


Whether that commodity is currently scheduled for Cycle Counting. A red circle will be displayed if there aren’t any runs scheduled, and a green circle if there are.

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