Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

SPC Run Overview


The ‘SPC Run Overview’ report can be used to generate a report that summarizes all the SPC runs performed over a set date range.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘SPC’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.


Here we simply have a date range to enter to specify what dates we want to return data for. Leaving this blank (set to ‘DAY’ on both) will report on today only.

Sample Report

If we run the report as we have set it up in the image above, we will generate one that looks like this:

Integration Guides

Links To

Clicking on the commodity/product in the ‘Commodity’ column here will generate a ‘SPC (Detailed)’ report for that particular commodity within the same time period as this report was set to.

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