Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

SPC (Detailed)


The ‘SPC (Detailed)’ report can be used to generate a report that lists all SPC weighing events within a certain time period, grouped by commodity.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘SPC’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.


As we can see here, we can use the ‘from’ and ‘to’ date parameters here to specify a date range to report on, or we can report on a desired number of past hours to capture.

We also have the option of selecting a specific commodity/product to report on. If we leave this blank then we will get a separate report for each commodity/product on which an SPC count was executed within that time frame.

Sample Report

If we run the report as we have set it up in the image above, we will generate one that looks like this:


Links To

This particular report does not contain links to any others.

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