Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge

Mix Container


The Mix Container screen will present itself to the operator if they are utilising the mix container function to either create submixes for collation, or performing the collation themselves. This page will cover the basics of how this screen works.

Table of Contents

Screen Overview

If the operator is batching using batch mix container modes, the mix container screen can appear at 2 different stages of this process. The first is when submixes are being created for collation at another Terminal. This screen will appear prior to the batch start, and will look like this:


Here the operator is being asked to scan (or manually input if this is permitted) a mix container to batch their submix into. Once this is done, they can proceed to batching.

The second time operators will see the mix container screen is at the collation Terminal, where it will be shown when the relevant submix formula step is reached (i.e. if the submix is the 3rd step, the first 2 steps will have to be completed before this screen is shown). This screen will look like this:


Here the operator is being asked to scan (or again, manually input if this is permitted) the mix container that the required submix was originally batched into. Once this is done, they can proceed to add the submix to the batch and proceed with the active job.


Why can’t I scan a container?

This really depends at which point you are trying to scan the container. If you are trying to scan while creating a submix you may see the following message in Terminal’s messaging banner:


This means that the container you are trying to scan is not designated as a ‘Batch Mix’ container within the system and so cannot be used for this purpose. Select a different container with this type designation.

You may also see this message:


This could either mean that this container still contains a submix for another batch, or that the container wasn’t cleared down after being used previously. It is best to check with your line supervisor as to how you should proceed.

If you are having problems scanning a container at the collation stage, this could be because the wrong container has been picked and it is empty:


Or it contains the wrong submix for collation:


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