Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

Sales Order Requirements


The ‘Sales Order Requirements’ report can be used to generate a report that details the requirements for created and pending sales orders over a set period of time.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘Sales’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.

We have the following options here:

  • Delivery Date From – Filter orders from this date, by the order’s set delivery/shipping date.
  • To Date – Used in conjunction with the above parameter to filter order to this date, by the order’s set delivery/shipping date.
  • Hide Positive Differences – Checking this will only show items with a negative stock difference to what is required for the order(s) i.e. items that are required for the order(s).
  • Group By Customer – Breaks down requirements by customer per item. Also shows a ‘Date Required’ for each customer to assist with production scheduling.
  • Excel Friendly Format – Produces the report in a more excel friendly format, without much of the additional formatting present on the regular report.
  • Show Pallets – Shows pallet numbers/locations for any existing stock that is required.
  • Where Reference Contains – Additional filter to report on orders whose ‘Reference Number’ column contains a specific alphanumeric entry.

Sample Report

If we run the report as we have set it up in the image above, we will generate one that looks like this:


Links To

Clicking on a customer next to any of the required items opens a ‘Sales Order Manifest’ report for that order.

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