Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

Purchase Order Status


The ‘Purchase Order Status’ report can be used to generate a report that lists Purchase Orders within a certain date range, and with specific statuses. Individual order lines for commodities will also be listed against each reported order.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘Purchasing’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.


Here we can select a date range to report on, as well as choosing whether to order the reported order by order date or delivery date.

We can then select a range of statuses to report on, depending on what information we are looking to obtain. Note here that if no statuses are selected here then the report will be blank as there will be no information to report on.

Sample Report

If we run the report as we have set it up in the image above, we will generate one that looks like this:


Links To

This report does not contain any further links to other reports.

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