Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

Forwards Traceability


The ‘Forwards Traceability’ report is used to generate a report that provides a detailed breakdown on the receipt and subsequent use of single lot of a commodity.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘Traceability’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.

So we can construct our report based on the following options:

  • Commodity – Allows selection of a specific commodity (ingredient, formula, or product).
  • Lot Number – Allows selection of a specific lot of a commodity.
  • Show Q&A – Shows any Q&A that was triggered for the related Purchase Order for this commodity (if a purchased ingredient). This includes images taken as part of the Q&A process.
  • Show On Hold Items – Shows any items that are currently placed on hold by WMS. Commodities must be palletized to be put on hold.
  • Show Shipped Products – Shows shipped products on associated Sales Orders. Note that this option will only show products when forwards tracing a batch formula, not an ingredient or product formula.
  • Show Emergency Contacts – Shows emergency contacts for the commodity supplier (is applicable/entered in the ‘Suppliers’ window of Control Center)
  • Show Lab Test Results – Shows lab testing results (if present) for the particular lot.
  • Show Default Supplier Image – Displays the image uploaded against the commodity if it is assigned to a supplier in Ordering > Suppliers in Control Center. Only applies to commodities with a relevant Purchase Order.
  • Show Images of Received Lot – Includes images taken of the received item outside of customer created Q&A events (so if WMS is configured to require an image upon any commodity receipt).
  • Show Summary – Shows a summary of inventory figures at the end of the report, capturing total received/consumed/adjusted quantities.
  • Show Additional Images – Shows any additional Q&A related images for batches/products/shipped items for anything produced from the selected lot, along with associated batch/order information.

Sample Report

If we run the report as we have set it up in the image above, we will generate one that looks like this:


Links To

This report links to the following:

  • Clicking the PO number in the top left area will generate a ‘Purchase Order’ report for that order.
  • Clicking the Formula at the head of each ‘Produced Batches’ area will generate a ‘Formula List’ report for that formula.
  • Clicking individual Batch or Job Number will generate a ‘Full Traceability’ report for that batch.
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