Master Class

Essential Reporting Knowledge

Cycle Count


The ‘Cycle Count’ report can be used to generate a report for one or many cycle count/inventory stock take runs undertaken in WMS. This type of report can be configured to include things such as costs. For more information on Cycle Counting in V5 click here.

Report Setup

This report can be found under the ‘Stock’ header in the Jasper Reports suite, and if we select it we will see the following options for running it.


Here we need to select a date range using drop-down calendars for both the ‘From’ and ‘To Date & Time’ to create a date range for the system to draw from. This can be set to cover just 1 day. We can then run the report from here, or we can use further filters for suppliers, commodities, and/or sites to narrow the search range down further.

We also have the options here to show/hide commodities/batch or product formulas, packaging, as well as the costs involved.

Sample Report

If we run a report based on our example from the cycle counting module guide, we will see a report that looks like this:


If our filters produced more than 1 report, we would be able to view the other reports using the controls at the top of the page. Here we can see the various adjustments and the reasons for them, as well as a cost breakdown. the ‘null’ values included here are spots reserved for if additional custom fields/information input is required.

Links To

Clicking on the lot number of the commodity being reported on will open a forward traceability report.

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