Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Sales Orders’ section of the V5 Control Center allows for the creation and scheduling of sales orders for established customers. These can then be shipped in the WMS software.

This page provides a guide and column definitions for the ‘Sales Order’ window in Control Center. More information on sales order setup can be found in our ‘Sales Order’ module guide here.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Sales Orders’ section can be found under the ‘Ordering’ header in Control Center.

This section is made up of 3 panels:

  • Top (yellow) panel: Where sales orders can be created and scheduled.
  • Bottom Left (red) panel: Allows commodities to be added to the sales order selected in the top panel. These can be assigned to the customer in order to speed up commodity filtering for specific customers. If no commodities/products are assigned to the customer here then any commodity/product can be selected.
  • Bottom Right (blue) panel: If shipped (or partially shipped) then this panel will show the lots and pallets of the specific commodity or product (selected in the bottom left) that have been used to fulfil this order. Items can also be manually unpicked here by right-clicking them and selecting ‘Unpick Item’. These items will then be returned to stock.

For additional button functionality help, click here.

Column Help – Top Panel

Order Number

Sales order number. The format of this can be set in app settings (please contact SG Support for help setting this up), but can also be edited here if required.


The name of the customer receiving the order, this can be selected from the drop-down menu for this cell.

Delivery Date

Use the drop-down calendar menu to select a date when the order will be delivered.

Reference Number

Freetext entry to assign a reference number to the sales order (buyer purchasing reference for example).


The status of the sales order. These can be changed by right-clicking the order in question and selecting a new status. These are:

  • Created – The default status for a sales order when it is first created in Control Center. Orders with this status will not yet be visible to WMS terminals.
  • Scheduled – Once the sales order has been set up they can then be scheduled, after which they will then be visible in the WMS app. Orders that have been partially shipped will also appear as scheduled.
  • In Progress – The order is in the process of being picked and packed for shipping. Suspended orders will also show this status.
  • Awaiting Verification – The order is picked and packed but requires Supervisor approval before it can be shipped.
  • Awaiting Shipping – The order is picked and packed, and is awaiting pickup.
  • Shipped – The order has been successfully shipped.


Any additional instructions for this order can be entered here. These will be displayed to the WMS operator when beginning the picking process, and can be accessed during via the info button on the main screen.

Created By

The user/operator who created the sales order.

Date Placed

The date and timestamp of when the order was created.

Delivery Address

If a customer is set up with multiple addresses, we can use the drop-down menu here to select which address/branch/depot etc. we will deliver the order to.

Invoice Address

Allows use of the same drop-down menu as above to select an appropriate invoice/billing address (if not the same as the delivery address).

Shipper No

Automatically generated shipper number.


Shows the first item line of the order, showing the commodity code and weight. This makes it easier to differentiate multiple orders to the same customer.


Shows the broker to be used to help fulfil the order.


Shows the carrier to be used to deliver the order. Both this and ‘Broker’ above can be set up in ‘Order Info’.


A field that can be used for inputting a FOB if required. This can then be printed on a Bill of Landing and other shipping documents.

Freight Terms

Freetext entry for any additional freight/shipping terms.

Ship To

Freetext entry to specify a delivery address/recipient if the user is not fully utilising the customer address tables.

Freight Bills Address

Freetext entry to enter the billing/invoice address of the carrier being used to deliver this order. This can be integrated from ERP or hand inputted and used on reports.

Seal #

The seal number assigned to the order during the shipping process.

Trailer #

The trailer number, noted when the order is been shipped in WMS. Both this and ‘Seal #’ will be populated on arrival of the trailer and are not pre-assignable.

Column Help – Bottom Left Panel

Commodity Code

The code of the commodity/product to be sold. This can be selected from a drop-down menu or manually typed in. As mentioned above specific commodities can be pre assigned to customers for easy filtering of commodities.

Commodity Description 

The description of the commodity/product, populated from ‘Commodities’ once a commodity code is selected.


The quantity (weight) of the commodity to be ordered.


The cost (per unit) of the commodity/product that the customer is being charged.


Freetext entry to add any additional notes against the commodity/product to be sold.


Used with ‘Planning’, this shows the quantity of commodities/products etc. that have been scheduled for production to meet the requirements of this order.


Used in conjunction with ‘Scheduled’ above, this will show how much of the required quantity has already been produced.

Column Help – Bottom Right Panel


The combined commodity code and description of the item being sold.

Lot No

The lot number of the stock item picked for the sales order.


The weight of the lot.


The user/operator who picked that lot for shipping.


Time & date when that lot was picked.


Descriptive field to denote the state of the lot. This could be:

  • Allocated – The item has been assigned to an order (via Wave Picking for example).
  • Picked – The item has been picked for an order and removed from inventory.
  • Unallocated – The item has been unassigned from the order.
  • Unpicked – The item has been unpicked from the order.
  • Backordered – The item was backordered.
  • Driver Signature – Denotes a driver signature event.

Stock Supplier Lot

The supplier lot assigned to the finished good, this can often be a custom batch number entry.


The inventory pallet that was shipped.

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