Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Planning’ section of the V5 Control Center allows users to select sales orders that they wish to process. The system will then amalgamate all the requirements, check to see what is already in stock and then provide a list of jobs that would be needed to fulfill the orders.

This page provides a guide and column definitions for the ‘Planning’ window in Control Center. More information on using this feature can be found in our ‘Scheduling & Production’ module guide here.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Planning’ section is found under the ‘My Factory’ header of Control Center.

This section is split up into 4 panels:

  • Top left (yellow) panel: Active sales orders will automatically appear here and can be selected for planning. Orders will not appear here until their status is changed from ‘Created’ in ‘Sales Orders’. Orders can be multi selected to allow for the planning of jobs that could cover multiple different orders.
  • Top right (red) panel: Once we select a sales order and identify its requirements (using the ‘Identify Requirements’ (>>) button), this panel will be populated with the formulas that are required for the selected order(s).
  • Bottom left (blue) panel: Once we have scheduled the required finished products in the upper right corner using the ‘Identify Requirements’ button, the lower left panel will automatically refresh to display the submix requirements needed to fulfil the product requirements. This panel can be used without the upper two panels by using production plan to schedule top level jobs and allowing planner to derive the combined submix requirements. This is covered further in the scheduling module guide.
  • Bottom Right (green) panel: Once the submix requirements have been derived in the lower left, we can highlight the appropriate job lines and translate them into jobs using the ‘Identify Requirements’ button using the lower right panel. This will take into consideration min/max limits as with the production plan. Press the green ‘+’ after selecting the jobs to schedule.

Column Help – Top Left Panel

All fields here are populated from ‘Sales Orders’ when the order is created and cannot be edited here.

Order Number

Sales order number.


The name of the customer receiving the order.

Delivery Date

The date when the order will be delivered.

Reference Number

Sales order reference number (buyer purchasing reference for example).


The status of the sales order. This is set in the ‘Sales Order’ screen (unless the order is ‘Created’ in which case it will not appear here). These are:

  • Scheduled – The order is scheduled, after which it will then be visible here and in the WMS app. Orders that have been partially shipped will also appear as scheduled.
  • In Progress – The order is in the process of being picked and packed for shipping. Suspended orders will also show this status.
  • Awaiting Verification – The order is picked and packed but requires Supervisor approval before it can be shipped.
  • Awaiting Shipping – The order is picked and packed, and is awaiting pickup.
  • Shipped – The order has been successfully shipped.


Any additional instructions for this order that were entered when the order was created will be visible here. These will be displayed to the WMS operator when beginning the picking process, and can be accessed during via the info button on the main screen.

Created By

The user/operator who created the sales order.

Date Place

The date and timestamp of when the order was created.

Delivery Address

The address the order will be delivered to.

Invoice Address

The address the order will be invoiced to.

Shipper No

Automatically generated shipper number.


Shows the first item line of the order, showing the commodity code and weight. This makes it easier to differentiate multiple orders to the same customer.


Shows the broker to be used to help fulfil the order.


Shows the carrier to be used to deliver the order. Both of these can be set up in ‘Order Info’.


FOB if required/entered against the sales order. This can then be printed on a Bill of Landing and other shipping documents.

Freight Terms

Any additional freight terms entered against this order will appear here.

Ship To

A specified delivery address if the user is not fully utilizing the customer addresses table. This can be integrated from ERP or hand inputted when creating the order.

Freight Bills Address

The billing/invoice address of the carrier being used to deliver this order.

Seal #

The seal number assigned to the order during the shipping process.

Trailer #

The trailer number, noted when the order is been shipped in WMS. Both this and ‘Seal #’ will be populated on arrival of the trailer and are not pre-assignable.

Column Help – Top Right Panel

Formula Code

The formula code of the product that is required for this order.


The description of the required formula. Both this and ‘Formula Code’ above are populated from ‘Formulas’ and cannot be edited here.


The total required units of this formula.

In Stock

The number of units of this formula that is already in stock, i.e. has already been produced previously.


The total required units of the formula that need to be produced to fulfil the sales order line.

Column Help – Bottom Left Panel

Formula Code

The formula code of the batch/product that is required for this order.

Formula Name

Description of the formula to be produced. Populated from ‘Formulas’, this cannot be edited here.


The units required for this formula. This is taken from ‘Total’ above.

To Be Made

The total units to be made (‘Required’ minus ‘In Stock’). This will be initially shown as 0 as above until a job is scheduled and the window refreshed (see below).

In Stock

The number of units of this formula that is already in stock, i.e., has already been produced previously.


The overall total requirements left for this line of the order. Again, this will update once a relevant job has been scheduled (see below).

Column Help – Bottom Right Panel

Job Number

Automatically generated job number that is generated at the same time the job is created/scheduled. The job number can also be manually entered if desired (must be unique). This will generate after rows are highlighted in the bottom left panel and the green ‘+’ in the bottom right corner.


Code for the formula to be produced. Populated from ‘Formulas’, this cannot be edited here.


Description of the formula to be produced. As above this cannot be edited here.


The number of units of the formula to be produced. This is the units per batch multiplied by the number of batches.


The number of batches of the formula to be run.


The number of batches of the formula remaining to be produced.


The number of batches of the formula that are currently suspended.


The current status of the job. These are:

  • Scheduled – The job is active and will be visible to relevant Terminals. This status is given when jobs are ‘scheduled’ in the right panel.
  • Hold – The job is on hold/suspended.
  • Testing – Similar to hold, this indicates the job is suspended for testing.
  • Complete – The job is complete.


Date and timestamp for when this job was scheduled.

Time Elapsed

Total time spent fulfilling this job.

Custom Fields 1-10

Bespoke data fields, the contents of these fields can be printed on labels during production.

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