Master Class

Essential Product Knowledge


The ‘Formulas’ section of the V5 Control Center allows customers to create or import their recipes/ formulas into the SG database. This data is then referenced by the system to create jobs and production runs.

For more information, check the modules guides for formulation and scheduling.

Control Center Overview

The ‘Formulas’ section is found under the ‘My Factory’ header of Control Center.

This section is split up into 2 panels:

  • Top (yellow) panel: Displays the list of formulas entered in the system and their related attributes. This is where new formulas can be added.
  • Bottom (red) panel: Displays the formula steps associated with the formula selected in the top window. Formula steps can be created and edited here.
  • Below the bottom panel we have the ‘Edit Tables’ button (green) which, when pushed, allows us to edit the data in both panels and add or remove formulas/formula steps. This is to prevent accidental editing of this page. We can hit the button again to ‘Stop Editing’ (as displayed) this page. Only operators with sufficient privileges will be able to edit formulas.

Column Help – Top Panel


Custom text entry to give the formula an abbreviated identifier. Must be unique. If entering a code which has been entered previously and deleted, the option to restore the deleted formula will be provided with a pop up.


Custom text entry to identify the batch or product.


The default unit of measure that the product or batch will be measured in. Usually, batches will be set to grams/pounds while products will be set to ea (each), units or bags, unless inventoried by weight.


Sets whether this formula is a Product or a Batch.  ‘Batch’ (default) is used for recipe formulations where batch production is required using multiple commodities. ‘Product’ is used for the creation of finished products (consisting of formula batches, packaging or commodities or all).

Base Size

Used to define the quantity of 1 batch of this formula weighed at 100% (typically the sum of the target quantities of the formula steps). When scheduling production of this formula in ‘Production Plan’ it is possible to define the size by the number of batches or the quantity required.


Enter in a 13-digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) and the 14th ‘check digit’ will be automatically calculated. Mainly used for Products instead of Batches and used as a label field to populate a finished product barcode.

Production Location

Sets the production location from a drop-down menu. This is populated from the ‘Locations’ that have their type set as ‘Production Locations’. This is useful for larger facilities where production can take place in multiple locations.

Expiry Days

The number of days after production it will take for the batch or product to expire. If used in a batch, this can be used to prevent expired batches from being used in products. If used in products, the expiry days can be printed on the finished product label to assist with inventory rotation in the shipping process.

Run Time (mins)

The total estimated time it takes to complete 1 batch of the formula, entered in minutes. This is used to calculate the total amount of production time required to execute the batches in the production schedule

Min Products

Used in conjunction with base size, this specifies the minimum weight of a batch/product that can be produced at once. This helps the scheduling software decide how many batches (and what size of batch) would be required when the formula is scheduled for production by weight required. This value is usually defined by the lowest limits of the production equipment used.

Max Products

As above, but this value is usually defined by the physical capacity of the production equipment.

Batch Labels Qty

The number of batch/product labels that will be printed once a batch has been produced.

Label Set

Defines the label set that this formula will use. This can be set up in ‘Label Formats’.

Production Style

This defines how the quantity of this formula is put into stock. There are 3 options here:

  • ‘Calculated’ will add up all the quantities weighed and stock in that amount.
  • ‘Input’ will prompt the operator at the end of the batch to enter a weight to be put into stock.
  • ‘Weigh’ will prompt the operator to weigh the finished batch/product and enter this amount into stock.

Overhead Cost

The expected overhead cost to make one batch, used as a comparison in production reports.

Labor Cost

This is the expected labor cost to make one batch, used as a comparison in production reports.


The current version of the formula. Each time a formula is edited and subsequently produced a new version will be created. Cannot be edited.


Universal Product Code that can be printed on label, usually in the form of a barcode. (see here for more details)

Op Mode

Operational Mode. There are different options available depending on whether we are dealing with a batch or product formula.

For batch formulas, 3 options are available:

  • Standard: The operator will be required to weigh each batch, each batch having it’s own unique batch number, at the appropriate size to meet the production plan requirements.
  • Continuous: The terminal will ask the operator to select the ingredient(s) to weigh, as well as define the output quantity. This will continue until the operator decides to end the batch. Only one batch number will be assigned.
  • Master Batch: The operator will follow the steps as per the Standard mode, once all the steps are completed the operation will repeat until the required number of batches have been met. This will be assigned a single batch number.

For product formulas, 3 options are also available:

  • Standard: The operator will be required to add packaging and weigh components as normal, at the appropriate size to meet the production plan requirements.
  • Multi-Lot: This works the same as the normal method above, except that the operator will be asked to assign lots to the job before they begin production. Any ‘components’ will be weighed on the attached scale.
  • Multi-Lot (Key Entry): The same as ‘Multi-Lot’ above, but instead of weighing components, the operator will be asked to key in the weight of any added components.

Sale Denomination

Redundant, no longer used.

Tare Mode

This affects container changes when producing finished products. There are 4 options here:

  • Calculated: The tare weight takes into account the total weight of the packaging used in the formula.
  • Prompt: The operator must put the packaging on the scale and the container prompt and the weigh the product itself.
  • Preset: Set the tare weight at the value entered in the tare field of this table.
  • Key Entered: The operator will manually key in the tare weight with the on screen keypad.

Approval Status

Indicates whether the formula is awaiting approval or has been approved. Only formulas that are approved can be produced. Cannot be changed.

Warning Level

Used on the stock reports, when on-hand levels drop below this level the on hand value will be highlighted in red.

Stock Location

Specifies into which stock location finished batches are stored.


Formula Loss is set when there is a requirement for loss to be accounted for at schedule time. Loss can also be set against a formula step with different effects. This loss type will over/under produce when scheduling. For example if a submix has a requirement of 10lbs from a main formula but the loss is set to 10%, 11lbs will be scheduled to account for that loss. The loss format supports positive or negative values and values can either be expressed as a definite value or as a percentile (E.g. 25, -25, 25%, -25%). The value is expressed in the same units as the formula units. For examples see the formulation module guide here.

Exp. Cost

The expected cost to make one batch of this formula.


Allows for an image of the batch/product to be uploaded. This picture will be displayed on a terminal when a batch is about to be started. Click in this column to open a dialog box from where you can upload an image from your computer. SG Systems would recommend a maximum image resolution of 450×450.


Allows custom text entry that will be displayed to the Terminal operator when producing this formula.

Batch Container

Defines a specific container that this formula is produced into. This must be set up as a ‘container’ in ‘Containers‘.

Expiry Mode

Sets the expiry date of the finished formula. There are 2 options available:

  • Fixed – Sets the expiry date from the date of production + the set ‘Expiry Days’
  • Dynamic – Sets the expiry date at the earliest expiry date of the commodities involved in production.


Allows a custom Tare value to be present at the start of formula production.

Max On Pallet

The maximum amount of this formula that can fit on a pallet.

Unit Display Mode

When ordering this commodity on a purchase order this value will either let you order it in different units of measurement (when set to ‘All’) or just the units of measure specified in ‘Units’ above (when set to ‘Specific’).


Manufactuer Part Number (see here for more details), used to print as a barcode on labels.

Expected Weight

Expected final weight. Can be inputted to be printed on a finished goods or pallet label.

Product Of

Allows the user to define if this commodity is produced from another commodity, rather than purchased, i.e. adding water to dried yeast and then using this in a formula. Can also be used to allow for a transformation from one item to another. Only used in small label packaging ICM system.


Only terminal operators with ‘Protected Formulas’ allowed under the privileges we be able to process formulas with this field checked.

Default Schedule Qty

When scheduling this formula, the quantity to produce can default to this value.

Total Weight

Displays the combined weight of the formula steps, providing all formula steps have the same unit of measurements and the software has been configured to enable this calculation to happen.

Physical Width

Defines the width of the finished formula.

Physical Height

Defines the height of the finished formula.

Physical Depth

Defines the depth of the finished formula. These dimensions are used in conjunction with the dimensions of stock locations to prevent these locations from becoming overcrowded.


Determines whether or not the finished formula is to be palletized.

Auto Produce

When checked, Data Engine auto-completes the formula (if it’s a product formula). It will produce the scheduled amount and consume its components and packaging items automatically.

Mix Time

The estimated time the mixer will be in use during this formula’s production. +can be configured to automatically send to device if compatible.

Discharge Time

As with mix time – can be sent to a device to control discharge time.

Cleardown Threshold

If the on-hand quantity of a lot of the formula falls below this number then the system will ask the operator whether they wish to cleardown this lot, i.e. set the on-hand value of the lot to 0.

Bulk Unit

The unit that the commodity is consumed in when undertaking bulk production e.g. bags. Again these can be set up in ‘Units‘.

Bulk Quantity

The weight of the bulk unit of the commodity. If we use the example of bags above and set this at 50lbs, then 50lb bags will be able to be used in bulk production.

Signoff Required

Sets whether this formula requires a Supervisor to sign off production once complete. This will require a Supervisor to enter their V5 credentials on the Terminal in question.

Pack Qty

How many items per pack when it comes to selling the commodity in ‘Sales Orders‘, if sales denomination is set to type PACK. This is mostly redundant.

Max Bulk Labels

The maximum number of product labels to be produced for this formula when undertaking bulk batching.

Custom Job# Format

Allows a custom job number format to be specified for this formula only. Otherwise the system will use the default format.

Record Stock

Having this box checked will record stock levels on commodities used in production.


Used in conjunction with common ingredient weighing, this allows for the system to be both sequenced and unseqenced depending on the formula.

Produce As

There are 2 options here:

  • Weight – If a batch of this formula/product is produced by weight.
  • Pack – If a batch of this formula/product is produced by count/packs.


With this option checked, the commodity will be booked into ‘containers’ upon arrival, each with its own serial number.


ACS number.

Data Field 1-7

Custom fields that can be used to print additional information to labels.

Import Exempt

If checked, this will prevent the formula being overwritten by future imports. Only applies to CSV methodology.

Column Help – Bottom Panel


Whether the formula step is sequenced or not. This can be selected from a drop-down menu. Sequenced steps force the Terminal operator to handle commodities in the sequence they are set up in here. Selecting None Sequential as a formula step allows the operator the choice of adding a commodity to a formula in production, allowing the operator to specify the required quantity (if no target quantity is set). Effectively, None Sequential steps are useful for batch additions when a material may or may not be added.

Commodity Code

Commodities can be added here, either by selecting them from a drop-down menu or by manually typing in the Commodity Code

Commodity Description

Populated with the commodity description once a commodity code is selected.

Lower Tolerance

How far below the target weight the system will allow for this formula step.


Target weight for the formula step.

Upper Tolerance

How far above the target weight the system will allow for this formula step.


Determines the step’s function:

  • Weigh – Uses the attached scale in Terminal to weigh up the commodities used in formula production.
  • Key Entry – Allows the Terminal operator to manually enter quantities of commodities used. This is useful for none weighed commodities e.g. packaging.
  • Question – Displays a question to the Terminal operator. These can be set up in ‘Q&A’. (link)
  • Message – Displays a message to the Terminal operator.
  • Change Container – Uses the Terminal to prompt the operator to replace the previous container with an empty one. Useful if ingredient separation is required. If every commodity step requires its own container, the terminal can be configured accordingly (contact SG support for help setting this up).
  • Submix – Prompts the operator to add a submix formula to the current batch.
  • Collation – Used internally, and should not be selected when entering a formula step.
  • Bulk Dispense – Allows communication with a bulk dispensing system to allow the adding of bulk items. For more information on this click here.
  • Optional – Allows the user to define 2 or more options for commodities, for example fresh yeast or dried yeast plus water
  • Scan – Allows the Terminal operator to scan a commodity against this step. Useful for things such as packaging etc.

For Product formulas we will have 2 different options:

  • Component – This would usually be a completed batch or produced good that is going to be made into a finished product.
  • Packaging – any packaging that would be a part of the finished product.


If the ‘Question’ or Message’ type is selected, this allows a question/message to be selected which will be displayed to the Terminal operator.


Some Formulas contain other Formulas as steps, for example, if you have Formula-A that contains Formula-B as a step, this checkbox can be checked to tell the system to automatically schedule Formula-B ready for when Formula-A is produced. For examples click here.

Scale Tolerance

This checkbox tells the system whether to increase/decrease the Tolerances based on the size of the mix. For more information on how this works, click here.


Standard commodity cost (per UoM) as set up in the ‘Commodities’ section. If a lot cost is not specified (when creating a PO) then this cost will be used by default.

Total Cost

Total cost of the commodity used in this formula step (cost x weight).


The expected time taken to process this formula step.


Defines the units the commodity will be measured in. This defaults to the units that the commodity is stored in. Please note that Terminal will convert the target and tolerances in the correct number for the units that the scale is measuring in.


Allows the step location to be specified if using multiple production terminals in different locations.

Neg. Addition

Check this box if you intend to put a container full of the commodity on the scale and then remove the correct amount to be used in the mix.

Bulk Platform

This can be used to define a chute or silo name for the dispensing of bulk ingredients. To enable communication between the terminal and the automatic dispenser please contact SG support.


This is loss set against a particular step of a formula. Click here for more information.

Loss Type

There are 2 options here:

Scaled – Loss is applied when the step is weighed. This kind of loss is reflected against the ingredient’s stock lot.

Produced – Loss is applied when the formula is produced. This kind of loss is reflected against the formula’s final produced stock weight.

The loss format supports positive or negative values and values can either be expressed as a definite value or as a percentile (E.g. 25, -25, 25%, -25%). The value is expressed in the same units as the formula units.

Sched Basesize

When enabled then component type steps of a product formula which are formulas in their own right and have the ‘Schedule’ box checked then the standard base size of the formula will be scheduled. If this option is disable then the correctly scaled amount of the formula will be scheduled instead.

Auto Consume

When enabled the system will automatically assign the correct lot (depending upon FIFO/FEFO configurations) to be used. More information on how to set this up can be found here.

Requires Approval

Only operators with supervisor status are allowed to process steps with this option checked. Use on highly prized commodities.

Mix Location

Allows a location to be selected for mixing this formula step. Useful where mixing may want to be processed in different locations.  – Used in a specific form of batching whereby items can be made in two different locations and then combined in a third using flat formulation.


Used to indicate that this step in this formula should not prompt for stock and act as if record stock is not set at the commodity level.

Scale Packaging

Used in conjunction with Multi-lot (Key Entry). Specifies whether packaging usage should scale up with the value entered on the key entry pad. I.e. producing a double sized pack results in double the packaging consumption.

Custom 1-7

Custom fields that can be used to print additional information to labels.

Linked Step

Allows the linking of target requirements for a particular step. Can be combined with optional steps to facilitate optional routines.

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