See: Description
Class | Description |
AccountNumber |
This class represents Account Numbers which can be pre-entered to prompt for at purchase order receipt in WMS
Address |
This class represents a mailing, invoice or delivery address for association with a client
Allergen |
This class represents an Allergen for alerts in the system.
AllergenLink |
Represents the link between an Allergen and a Commodity
For example, PineNuts contains the Nut Allergen.
Answer |
This class represents a possible Answer to a Question
Bag |
This class represents a container used during the batching process
The purpose of this class is currently for internal use only
Batch |
This class represents a Batch.
BatchConsumption |
This class represents inventory consumption in the batching process.
BatchFull |
This class is a full representation of batch data and is used for internal purposes only
BulkDispense |
This class represents bulk dispense fulfillments and is for internal purposes only
BulkPlatform |
This class represents Bulk Platforms which interact with the SG System
BulkPlatformTerminalLink |
This class represents the link between Bulk Platforms and Terminals.
BulkRequest |
This class represents a bulk dispense requests and is for internal purposes only
Client |
This class represents any Client registered in the system.
ColumnProperties | |
Commodity |
This class represents a commodity.
CommodityGroup |
Represents a group of commodities.
CommodityGroupLink |
This class represents the link between a
Commodity and a CommodityGroup |
CommonIngredient |
Represents a common ingrdient/commodity.
CommonIngredientStep |
This class represents a Common Ingredient Step.
Container |
This class represents a container in the system
A container can be used to hold stock, perform tares and other useful functions
Container.ContainerType for a list of different types of container that can be used |
ContainerLink |
This class represents the link between
Container and StockLocation
This identifies how much of each lot number resides on each pallet/container |
Currency |
This class represents a monetary currency
For use in
PurchaseOrder and SalesOrder |
CustomConnectionTester | |
CustomerGroup |
This class represents a group of customers
This helps with grouping customers into their parent ownership group for labeling and packaging purposes
CustomerGroupCommodity |
This class represents the link between customer groups and commodities.
CustomField |
This class represents a custom field in the system
Custom fields can be used to be printed on labels for particular products
CustomFieldLink |
CustomFieldLink |
CustomFieldLink links a
CustomField to a Commodity
This specifies what value this particular commodity should have on it's label for the custom field |
CustomInterceptor | |
CycleCountRun |
This class represents a Cycle Count Run.
Formula |
This class represents a Formula or Recipe in a system
This is the header element of a set of instructions for processing at a terminal
FormulaSimple |
Used for internal purposes only
FormulaStep |
This class represents a step of a formula
A step can be several different actions, see
FormulaStep.FormulaStepType |
FormulaStepEdit | |
FormulaStepInitialization | |
Hazard |
This class represents hazards that may be prompted for during system operation
HazardLink |
This class represents the link between Hazards and Commodities
This identifies which Commodities need to prompt for which Hazards
HibernateObject |
Represents a base database object in the SGSystem
Used for mapping with Hibernate
Hold |
This class represents a Hold order on a container link
Holds can be raised against containerlinks which prevent them from being used/sold
Job | |
JobLine |
This class represents a portion of a Job that is to be completed at a location.
JobSalesOrderLink |
This class represents the link between a
Job and a SalesOrderLine
This allows the system to schedule jobs for particular sales orders and allocate them in advance |
JobStat |
Used for internal purposes only
LabelFormatSet |
This class represents a Label Format Set
A Label format set is a header for a group of labels
The set must declare what printer format type the labels linked to it are formatted in
LabelFormatSetLink |
This class presents the link between LabelFormatSets and the label data
This is where a label is defined with a set, type and the label data itself
LabelFormatType |
This class represents Label Format Types
A label format type instructs the system what kind of label exists in the
LabelFormatSetLink table (stock, batch, packaging, etc) |
LabelPrinter |
This class represents a Label Printer
This needs to be configured to the correct connection method
By including/omitting data, the connection method is decided
If only a code and description are present, the system will use Windows Print Service to look for a matching printer to the description
If an IP and port are specified, the system will attempt to connect via the network to the printer
If a directory and username are specified, the system will attempt to FTP the label
LabelPrinterType |
This class defines a label printer type (make/model/format)
This provides additional support to some label format languages such as intermec and zebra
PrinterType for a list of supported printer types. |
LastUsed |
This class is used to store information on the last stock used for a job
This allows the system to pre-assign stock to jobs or remember them to reduce operator input
LinkedImage |
This class represents images stored against various events and objects in the system
The linkedID can refer to a number of tables dependent on the type value
Location |
This class represents a location
Locations can be either Stock or Production dependent on
Location.LocationType and can be categorized beyond that with Location.category
Locations can be physical racks, groups of locations, areas or just a logical grouping of terminals
See how locations and terminals are linked with TerminalLocation |
LocationGroup | |
LocationGroupLink | |
LotContainer |
This class defines a sub-division of a StockLocation
The best example of this would be if inventory is received as LOT 123 but it is received in 5 different bottles, all with different weights, we would use LotContainers to track these stock sub-divisions
This differs from
Container in that containers may have multiple different lots contained within them, whereas LotContainers pertain to only one lot |
OptionalGroup |
This class represents optional groups
Optional groups represent groups of formula steps which may or may not be executed
A formula can contain optional groups which in turn provide routines
OrderInformation |
This class represents OrderInformation which can be used when raising
PurchaseOrder and SalesOrder
It acts as a holster for additional information |
Pack |
This class represents a serialized pack from production
This class allows for each pack of a produced item to have it's own unique serial number
This allows each individual pack to be traced on it's own
PreBatch |
This class represents a placeholder for Batches
When a job is scheduled with 20 batches, 20 PreBatches are created as place holders for the work to be done
This allows the SG system to have custom settings on a per batch level
PreStep | Deprecated |
ProductRequest |
This class logs production requests by informing the SG V5 product terminal of production that has occurred outside of the system
PurchaseOrder |
This class represents a Purchase Order which can be raised for incoming good receipt
PurchaseOrderLine |
This class represents a line of a purchase order
QAGroup |
This class represents a question which can be asked through a
Questions can also be links or image capture events |
QAGroupEvent | |
QAGroupLink | |
QALink |
This class represents the link between
Question and the events by which they appear |
QALog |
This class represents the log of a QA event.
Question |
This class represents a question which can be asked through a
Questions can also be links or image capture events |
RackStockLocationLink | |
Reason |
This class represents a reason which can be selected by an operator for certain events
SalesLog |
This class represents actions which have occurred during shipping
When items are picked/shipped, a log is generated here
SalesOrder |
This class represents a sales order
SalesOrderLine |
This class represents Sales Order Lines
The lines make up the contents of a sales order
SalesOrderLineCustomField |
This class represents a custom field for a sales order line
Custom fields can be used to add additional data to labels
SalesOrderLineCustomFieldLink |
This class links
SalesOrderLineCustomField to a SalesOrderLine and provides a place to hold the custom field data |
Site |
This class represents Sites which serve as umbrella location groups
SiteSupplier |
This class represents the link between Suppliers and Sites
Suppliers can be limited to only appear at particular sites
SiteSupplierCommodity |
This class provides the link between
SiteSupplier and Commodity
This has the effect of marking particular SiteSuppliers as providing certain commodities
The link is many-to-many
If you are not using Sites then you can simply use SupplierCommodity for this function |
SPCCommodity |
This class provides a wrapper to encapsulate a commodity or formula with additional information for use in an
SPCRun |
SPCRun |
This class represents an SPC Run.
SPCSample |
This class represents a single sample taken during an
SPCRun |
Stock |
This class represents a Stock header object.
StockAssignment | Deprecated |
StockLocation |
This class represents inventory in a location
It provides a location and a quantity from the Stock header record
SuperBatch |
This class represents a Batch.
SupplierCommodity |
This class represents the link between Suppliers and Commodities
By creating links between Suppliers and Commodities, we can reduce the list of goods that appear for receipt when a particular supplier is selected when raising a
PurchaseOrder |
SupplierCommodityContainer |
This class takes
SupplierCommodity to the next level by linking a SupplierCommodity to a container
This can be used to state that Supplier X provides good Y in container C. |
SystemLog |
This class is the main location for logging transactions in the system
Most actions performed in the system outside of Sales and QA will be logged here
SystemStatics |
This class is used to set static variables that the system can call upon at given times
Tax | |
Terminal |
This class represents a terminal in the SG V5 System
A terminal can be any instance of the SG V5 Software.
TerminalLocation |
This class represents the link between Terminals and Locations
Terminals can have visible locations, both stock and production
If no links exist for a given terminal it is assumed to see all locations.
Terms | Deprecated |
Trailer |
This class represents Trailers which can be used for shipping and receiving goods
This particular class forms part of the Trailer Management module, used for tracking and inspecting trailers
Transfer |
This class details a Transfer order between locations or facilities
Transfers can be used to schedule stock movements
TransferLine |
This class is responsible for forming the detail of a Transfer order
This informs the system which commodity needs to be moved
UnitCommodity |
This class represents the relationship between commodities and units.
UpdateLog |
This class represents the table that holds the details about module updates
Anytime a version update/downgrade happens, it will be logged here.
User |
This class represents an operator of the system
They must be setup for users to gain access to the system
Rights can be assigned on a per user basis
UserLog |
The UserLog class stores user-centric events
These are events simply relating to an operator
UserLogUtil |
This class is used for internal purposes only
WavePick |
Used to represent a wave picking order.
WeighPrintInfo | |
WeightUnit |
This class stores the units by which measurements are taken in the SG v5 System
Inventory is stored in a base stocking unit set by
Commodity.units .\
Formula Steps, Purchase Order Lines, SPC Runs, Sales Order Lines and many more aspects of the system are allowed to select their own WeightUnits to reference the quantity fields of each respective object
Conversions can be performed to change values between these units via WeightUnit.conversionRate or on a commodity specific basis through UnitCommodity |
Enum | Description |
Commodity.CommodityType |
The different types that a commodity can be.
Commodity.DenominationType |
How this good should be sold at a sales order level
Commodity.ExpiryMethod |
The style by which expiry can be calculated.
Commodity.UnitDisplayMode |
The display mode for PO/SO in Control Center.
Container.ContainerType |
The different types of containers that are used in the system.
CycleCountRun.CycleCountRunStatus |
The status of the cycle run
Formula.ExpiryMode |
The expiry calculation method for the formula
Fixed is based on the
Dynamic is based on the earliest expiry of the added ingredients |
Formula.FormulaType |
Formula Type.
Formula.OperationalMode |
The operational mode of a batch formula
Continuous allows for a batch to be executed X number of times, increasing consumption and production
Master batch infers that all work on that job goes into a single batch
Formula.ProduceAs | |
Formula.ProductionStyle |
The method in which production is derived
Calculated takes the total weight
Input takes a keyed input at batch end
Weigh prompts for the total weight on the scale at the batch end
Formula.ProductOperationalMode |
Product job operational types
Multi-lot allows for the assignment of a variety of stock for a single commodity rather than just one box/item
FIFO assumptions are made on stock so accuracy is less but also it means that operators don't constantly need to change out packaging lot codes/pallets once a run starts
Multi-lot key entry performs the same as multi-lot but has a key entry panel rather than a weigh panel.
Formula.TareMode |
The tare mode, pertains to product formulas only
Calculated adds all the packaging item weights up
Prompt asks the operator to weigh the container
Preset takes the preset key value set by the tare value
Key Entered works like prompt but without the use of a scale
FormulaStep.FormulaStepType |
The type of a formula step.
FormulaStep.LossType |
The type of loss the step will experience.
Job.JobStatus |
The status of a Job or JobLine.
Location.LocationCategory |
The category of a stock location.
Location.LocationType |
The type of location.
PreBatch.BatchStatus |
The status a batch
PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderStatus |
The status of the Purchase Order
QALink.QAEventType |
The event/point in operation at which this question should be asked
Question.CustomResponseType | |
Question.QAType |
The type of question to be asked.
Reason.ReasonType |
The place where the reason should be prompted for
SalesOrder.SalesOrderStatus |
SalesOrderStatus refers to the status of a sales order at a given time
SPCRun.SPCRunResult |
The result of the SPCRun
SPCRun.SPCRunStatus |
The status of the SPC run
Transfer.TransferStatus |
The current status of the transfer through the process
User.Role | |
User.SupervisorLevel |
The supervisor level of the operator.
User.SystemPrivileges |
The various options/privileges that can be set per user
WavePick.WavePickStatus |
The current situation of the wave pick.